Build a LEGO® pet goldfish

A LEGO goldfish in an aquarium

Do you have a goldfish at home or at school? They are friendly, fun and smarter than you might think.
In this fun model we make a LEGO® goldfish together and give you some great facts about goldfish that you can tell your friends!


  • STEP 1

    Get inspired!

    Before you start, think about what makes a goldfish special. Is it their big round eyes, glittering colors or just the way they swim around? Think about how you can imitate this with LEGO bricks.

    Fun fact: Goldfish have an excellent sense of smell. Maybe that's why they always swim in a straight line towards their fish food! But that's not all, because they can also hear. Some even enjoy classical music!

  • STEP 2

    Choose your stones

    Next, it's time to choose your stones. See if you can find some clear, sparkly stones to recreate that all-important shine. A pair of large LEGO eyes certainly look great, but if you don't have one, you can use round circular studs instead.

    Super tip: Otherwise, grab some LEGO towers, castles and treasure chests and build a nice aquarium scene. Your goldfish can swim around in there. But you can choose what you want! You can even choose a space theme and let your goldfish explore the moon.

  • STEP 3

    Build your LEGO® goldfish

    Now it's time to make your LEGO goldfish. Remember, you can make your creation as big, small, simple or crazy as you want!

    Fun fact: Goldfish normally have between 25 and 31 scales. See how many you can make in your LEGO version

  • STEP 4

    Blow some bubbles and take a snap!

    When you're done, take a photo to show your friends. To really complete it, you can blow some bubbles. That way your LEGO model won't look like a fish out of water!

Did you know...

People often think that goldfish have a short memory of only a few seconds. But that is actually much longer. They have a memory that can remember things for months or even years!