Although initially met with mixed reviews upon release, the Star Wars prequel trilogy has become a beloved part of the franchise. A popular aspect was the introduction of new iconic...
Although initially met with mixed reviews upon release, the Star Wars prequel trilogy has become a beloved part of the franchise. A popular aspect was the introduction of new iconic...
LEGO Disney Wish as of October 2023
LEGO has just unveiled three new sets for the upcoming film Wish, which will be available on October 1. The sets cost between 20.99 euros and 94.99 euros and consist...
LEGO Disney Wish as of October 2023
LEGO has just unveiled three new sets for the upcoming film Wish, which will be available on October 1. The sets cost between 20.99 euros and 94.99 euros and consist...
Simone and Christo at Omroep Brabant
LEGO is becoming increasingly popular. In the first half of this year, three percent more construction kits were sold than the previous half year. This is because more and more...
Simone and Christo at Omroep Brabant
LEGO is becoming increasingly popular. In the first half of this year, three percent more construction kits were sold than the previous half year. This is because more and more...
Playing with Braille: new LEGO set
Somewhat surprisingly, LEGO today released two sets in braille: LEGO 40656 Playing with Braille Alphabet in English and LEGO 40655 Playing with Braille Alphabet in French will initially be available...
Playing with Braille: new LEGO set
Somewhat surprisingly, LEGO today released two sets in braille: LEGO 40656 Playing with Braille Alphabet in English and LEGO 40655 Playing with Braille Alphabet in French will initially be available...
How Shopify Contributed a (Lego) Stone: An Inte...
In the Shopify Support department we naturally encounter great stores and retailers every day. But even in this abundance of fantastic companies, we occasionally meet retailers who stand out because...
How Shopify Contributed a (Lego) Stone: An Inte...
In the Shopify Support department we naturally encounter great stores and retailers every day. But even in this abundance of fantastic companies, we occasionally meet retailers who stand out because...
2TTOYS interview Shopify
How Shopify Contributed a (Lego) Stone: An Interview With Shopify Retailer 2TToys In the Shopify Support department we naturally encounter great stores and retailers every day. But even in this...
2TTOYS interview Shopify
How Shopify Contributed a (Lego) Stone: An Interview With Shopify Retailer 2TToys In the Shopify Support department we naturally encounter great stores and retailers every day. But even in this...